2017 - 2018 Faculty Exam and Grading Guide


Class Participation Faculty members grade students on a 4.0 scale and may request a half-step grade increase for class participation using the Grade Increase Form. The Grade Increase Form must be completed prior to grade submission. The Grade Increase Form is available online at Campus Cruiser > Faculty Services to identify those students in your class for whom you wish to increase his/her grade by a half step grade increase. (i.e., B to B+). Choose Faculty Services>Faculty Exams/Grading. Go to the menu on the left and select Grading Increase Form. From there select the term you are submitting grade increases for and press submit.

1. Go to Faculty Services Tab then Select Faculty Exams/Grading

2. Choose Grading Increase

3. Select term you are submitting grade increase for and press submit

Choose the course you are submitting the Grade Increases for:

Select course you are submitting grade increases for and press submit

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