Fall 2018 Course Evaluations
All Faculty
All Courses
18/FL 65.89%
Students Enrolled: 4550
Student Responses: 2998
Legend: 5=Strongly Agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neutral, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree Q1. The professor provided a syllabus that clearly described the goals, content, and requirements of the course. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1909 833 165 68 15 2990 4.52 5 0.75 % 63.85% 27.86% 5.52% 2.27% 0.50% Q2. The course materials and/or assigned text(s) helped me understand concepts and ideas related to the course. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1609 963 275 121 27 2995 4.34 5 0.87 % 53.72% 32.15% 9.18% 4.04% 0.90% Q3. The professor presented course material in a clear and organized fashion. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1577 830 325 194 70 2996 4.22 5 1.03 % 52.64% 27.70% 10.85% 6.48% 2.34% Q4. The professor promoted a respectful learning environment. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 2078 714 145 39 20 2996 4.60 5 0.70 % 69.36% 23.83% 4.84% 1.30% 0.67% Q5. The professor promoted useful classroom discussions, as appropriate for the class. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1777 794 269 120 35 2995 4.39 5 0.89 % 59.33% 26.51% 8.98% 4.01% 1.17% Q6. The professor provided opportunities, either in or outside of class, for me to assess or gauge my understanding of the course material. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1697 868 321 80 30 2996 4.38 5 0.85 % 56.64% 28.97% 10.71% 2.67% 1.00% Q7. The professor helped make the course material interesting and/or relevant. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1713 851 276 109 46 2995 4.36 5 0.90 % 57.20% 28.41% 9.22% 3.64% 1.54% Q8. The professor was available to help students outside the classroom by being available to meet during regular office hours or scheduled appointments, as well as by responding to email or phone calls. 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Median SD Responses 1693 851 384 46 17 2991 4.39 5 0.81 % 56.60% 28.45% 12.84% 1.54% 0.57%
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